Getting Started With Github Pages and Jekyll on OS X

This isn’t necessarily the best way but here’s how I went about getting Jekyll going on my local machine in preparation for using Github Pages to server content for my web page.

Installing a Separate Version of Ruby

As Jekyll requires a whole mess of Ruby Gems to get going I decided it would be best to install a separate Ruby instance to avoid messing with the OS X system Ruby. I’m using Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) for this and I’ve already got Homebrew installed which makes it very easy to install extra tools on OS X.

I chose rbenv as it’s the simplest of the tools to manage multiple Ruby installs. It has a companion tool called ruby-build that can build any version of Ruby we need. So assuming you have Homebrew installed, getting these installed is as simple as:

brew install rbenv ruby-build

Then add the following snippet somewhere your shell will read it.

if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi

After relaunching your shell (or just manually executing the above snippet in the current shell) installing a separate Ruby is as simple as

rbenv install 2.2.0

I’ve chosen to use the latest Ruby (2.2.0 at time of writing) because why not. Once that’s done installing you should be able to execute

rbenv versions

which results in output like this:

* system (set by /Users/deverton/.rbenv/version)

This shows the system installed Ruby and our just installed 2.2.0 version. We can switch to that version with a quick

rbenv global 2.2.0

Now the output of rbenv versions should look like this:

  system (set by /Users/deverton/.rbenv/version)
* 2.2.0

Installing Jekyll

The next step is to create somewhere for your site content to go. Rather than document that here, follow the instructions at Github.

Now that you’ve got a directory with your site content checked out it’s time to get Jekyll installed. It’s easiest to use Bundler to manage the install so to that end if you do the following:

gem install bundle
rbenv rehash

You’ll have the latest Bundler installed and available on the path. You can now create a Gemfile with the following contents

source ''
gem 'github-pages'

then execute

bundle install
rbenv rehash

which will install all the gems we need and the command line tools. We can now use Jekyll to create all the basic files needed for the site. Assuming you’re currect directory is your site directory:

jekyll new .

should create all the needed files. You can then test things out with

jekyll serve

which creates a webserver on port 4000 serving up your site. Once you’re happy, you can now commit your changes, push them to Github and see your new, Jekyll powered sites 🎉